Energy, Climate & Sustainability (ECS) Division
We are looking to purchase 50,000-75000 Petrol to CNG conversion units monthly for initially a year. during this period, the order requirement may change (Increase). These are for predominantly 4 cylinder petrol engine vehicles being Volkswagen Buses, Toyota Buses and Cars, Hyundai cars amongst others initially.
We would like to know your minimum orders and delivery timelines FOB Lagos Nigeria.
We would also need to have initially 10 of your experienced installers to perform train the trainer programs and to assist in the setting up / requirements for proper CNG conversion workshops.
Also what are your payment options.
We have just taken Imo State, one of the 36 states in Nigeria to become the first subnational to go green in Africa and this is a follow on to the program.
What is Carbon Credit
Carbon credits are permits that allow the holder to emit one ton of carbon or equivalent greenhouse gases. These permits are issued by governments or independent verifying companies and can be traded. Typically, carbon credits are issued to companies or projects that reduce or avoid carbon emissions. Firms that exceed government emissions limits (in places where those exist) or that seek to compensate for their carbon emissions then buy these credits to offset their emissions footprint. The idea behind carbon trading is that it should incentivize lower emissions and provide funding for renewables. 2021 saw record volumes of carbon credits traded on both voluntary and regulatory carbon credit markets. In the voluntary market, annual market value crossed the $1 billion mark for the first time, with an all-time market value hitting $6.7 billion, per data from Ecosystem Marketplace. Despite helping to reduce emissions—to which Africa contributes little—these companies and projects operating in Africa struggle to generate sustainable revenue and are mostly missing in international carbon markets. For context, big firms like Tesla (who receive sell credits from local regulation programs get a not-insignificant proportion of their revenue from selling in compliance carbon markets. In the first quarter of this year, the electric car company made $679 million from carbon credit sales from this activity. And last year, a total of $851 billion worth of carbon credits were traded globally.
Our CARBON ASSETS MANAGEMENT is headed by our Vice President, Professor Victor Fodeke He was a member, Enforcement Branch, Compliance Committee – United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for TEN Years; a Former Technical Adviser on Climate Change – African Union Commission, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; a Former Designated National Authority (DNA) For Nigeria and Former Head of Climate Change in Nigeria. Professor Fodeke is a member of the United Nations Global Compact.
Our Team Lead Dr Olawale Akinwunmi , is an Environmentalist, a Strategic Communicator, Media & Marketing Consultant. He has been involved in Environmental / Climate Advocacy, Media, Communications, Writing, Research, Banking, Youth Development, Social Impact Studies & Community Advocacy; Environmental Management and Sustainable Development for more than Thirty-Four Years. Dr. Akinwumi is a member of the United Nations Global Compact.
- Effective Communications Strategies, Strategic Environmental and Social Issues related to Climate Change,
- Global Warming & Human Health
- Environmental Pollution
- Conservation, Clean Development Mechanism
- Pre and Post Environmental Assessments
- Environmental Sensitivity / Responsibility
- Relationship Management
- Desertification
- Social Effects of Development
- Carbon Credits, Low Carbon Economy / Green Business Initiatives / Clean & Renewable Energy
- Climate Solutions
- Net-Zero Emissions
- Environmental Education / Awareness Campaign
- Climate Change Communications, et al.